Interested in learning belly dance and yoga? Join us this summer for learn the basics, have fun and make new friends. This camp is for girls and boys ages 12-17.
Each day includes a 1-hour warm up, bellydance instruction and dancing, followed by 1 hour of yoga and a cool down.
Campers will be introduced to fundamental bellydance movements, and putting them together to create new movements and combinations. They will also dip into stillness, strength and flexibility through vinyasa flow yoga.
Classes taught by Elvira Falconer and Rebecca Pickard
Monday to Friday, July 4-810 a.m. – noon
Bellevue Hall7308 – 112 Avenue
$120 for Bellevue/Highlands members$150 for non-members
To register, contact Elvira at:
elvirafalconer@gmail.comor call 780-619-7375
What to bring:
A water bottle, loose clothing and yoga mat are recommended.
