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  • Bellevue Community League

Bellevue AGM Delivers a New Board

It was a packed house at Bellevue Hall tonight, with league members from both Bellevue and Virginia Park communities in attendance. Several veteran community members claimed that this was the best AGM turnout they had ever seen. As one member in the audience said, “It’s nice to see such a vested interest from our community.”

Every single board position ended up being filled — which is an accomplishment in its own right! — and the 2015-16 board has 8 newly-elected faces joining 7 members returning from last year’s board:

President: Brian Finley

Vice President: Erin Armstrong

Treasurer: Joachim Nuthack

Secretary: Ed Boraas

Past President: Janice Fleming

Social Director: Cindy Lazarenko

Sports Director: Donnie Morrison

Program Director: Erin Foster O’Riordan

Membership Director: Kyla Fisher

Facilities Director: Geoff Lilge

Civics Director: David Cournoyer

Community Safety Director: Jose Rodriguez

Communications Director: Jeff Nachtigall

Immediately after the AGM, the new board created two Seniors Liaison positions and appointed long-time community league volunteers, Grace Kelly (Virginia Park Neighbourhood) and Judy Nuthack (Bellevue Neighbourhood).

We congratulate all members of the Bellevue board, and send a big Thank You to the previous members who worked so hard over the last few years to keep the Bellevue Community League going. Your efforts are appreciated, and we’re excited to see what we can accomplish in the 2015-16 term as a board and as a community!

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