Pub Night
You might find this little flyer in your mailbox in the coming week or so. The Bellevue Community League is hosting a Pub Night in the Bellevue Lounge on Friday, April 10, starting at 8pm and going until late in the night! The lounge is upstairs in the Community Hall and it is a really cool space to hang out. One neighbourhood industrial designer described it as a “mid-century masterpiece“. But don’t take our word for it, come check it out for yourself! Bring your neighbours along to have a drink and some snacks, cue up a game of snooker, sing a karaoke tune, and chat about the community. We will also be selling Community League memberships, in an effort to encourage more community residents to get involved.
Annual General Meeting
Even if you can’t make it to Pub Night, please come out to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 6th to hear about the things that are going on in our neighbourhood, and to vote in the election of all board members.
According to the new bylaws that were approved in February the membership of the Bellevue Community will be electing board members to fill the following positions:
Past President
Social Director
Sports Director
Program Director
Membership Director
Facilities Director
Civics Director
Community Safety Director
Communications Director
If you, or any other members of the Bellevue Community League, are interested in contributing as a member of the Board of Directors, you should add your name to the slate for the election at the May 6 Annual General Meeting.
Contact for the Nominating Committee:
Joachim Nuthack
(780) 479-7878
Denise Courteau(780) 478-0412dmcourteau@shaw.ca