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  • Bellevue Community League

Friday Night Besties

A new community-lead youth group is starting up in the Highlands and Bellevue Communities (this includes the neighbourhood of Virginia Park, of course!). It’s the Friday Night Besties!

This is a group for kids in grade 7, 8, and 9 who live in our neighbourhoods. The group will meet every Friday night, and include all kinds of activities that Jr. high kids like, and activities that are good for them, and some activities that fall into both categories! 😉

The first meet up is on Friday, Sept. 11th, at 7:00pm at the Highlands Community Hall (113 Ave and 62 St). Bring a friend, bring $2, expect the best.

This initiative is a combined effort of the Highlands Community League and the Bellevue Community League. The leaders may vary each week, but all volunteers involved will have the appropriate security clearances.

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